It is alleged that hair extensions can be traced all the way back to 3400BC to Ancient Egypt and were initially created from a mixture of vegetable fibre, sheeps wool and human hair.
Hair extensions were viewed as a symbol of great wealth and prestige and available only to the very elite.
Fast forward to today’s times and there are a variety of options for accentuating our locks.
Firstly, there are two different types of hair used in hair extensions.
Real Hair.
Yep, that’s right, real human hair.
This is generally collected from donors and crafted into extensions.
Synthetic hair.
This brand of hair is made from fibres such as acrylic and nylon and designed to mimic the element of real hair.
Different types of hair extensions.
Clip In Extensions
This style of hair extensions comes with strands of hair attached to a clip, all ready for you to insert and use in your hair.
All you need to do is open the clip, put it at the top of your hair line in the area you want it to be and close the clip.
This version is not permanent and quite fast, but they can be cumbersome and are often not as secure as the more permanent methods.
You can take these clips in and out within a few mere minutes.
Tape in Hair Extensions.
Although this method may sound quite gentle, it can be taxing on your hair and scalp.
These extensions are pre-taped together and are then glued or taped to either side of your hair.
Heat is used to tape them in and the process might be uncomfortable for some.
If you elect to go with the glue method, to get them out, you’ll need glue remover.
This whole process can potentially damage your hair and scalp and if not done professionally, can leave your head feeling heavy and itchy.
These extensions may last between 8 -12 weeks.
Sew in or wefts
This manner involves your hair being braided into cornwalls, then the extension is sewn into your hair.
The process is lengthy, taking up to two hours in some instances, but is also the longest lasting.
It can take up to 6 weeks before your hair and extensions need further attention and maintenance.
What’s involved in getting professional hair extensions?
Initial Consult.
Be sure to make a good investment and visit a reputable and professional venue for your hair extensions.
You get what you pay for with these services, and although the initial outlay may be more expensive and time consuming, the end result will speak volumes.
Good quality extensions will look real too, instead of fake, brittle and discoloured like their cheap competitors.
An initial meet and greet with a qualified and experienced hair dresser will ensure the right colour and length to give you the maximum benefit.
This consultation will be sure to create the best and most flattering look for you to suit your face and eyes, highlighting your natural attributes.
Your life style and needs will also be taken into consideration to prevent you ending up with a product that is not suitable for you at all.
How long does it take to put them in?
Remember that hair extensions re an investment in your beauty and overall presentation.
Allow up to three hours for the initial session to make sure the right colour, length and fit are completed.
You might also want them styled whilst you are there too, so this should be enough time for the first visit.
Care for your new extensions.
Take pride and care of your hair extensions by washing them gently 1 – 2 times a week and avoiding harsh elements such as chlorine, excessive heat and styling, as well as salt water.
Move them up every 6 -8 weeks to stop them loosing their shape and length, and to discourage them from drooping down.
Taking care of these lovely creations can help them last between 6 to 12 months.
5 Reasons to get hair extensions
They can add that wow factor.
Good hair extensions can add volume and length to your hair, giving you a fresh and vibrant new look. It can transform your look from subtle to wow in the space of just a few hours.
It can give your hair that magnificent shine and add that element of mystique to your look and help make your over all look more alluring and magnificent.
It can hide a bad haircut.
If you’ve made a trip to the hairdressers and have either had a bad hair cut or are now regretting that impulse change of look, you can add some hair extensions and the evidence is gone.
Wallah! New hair! Yeah, yeah!
Make over time!
Create a new look for when you attend a special event.
You might be a guest at a wedding, or fronting up at your high school reunion or even a hot date.
What ever the case may be, if you’re wanting a makeover, then getting the best hair extensions can add that beautiful sultry or youthful look you’re seeking to achieve for a special occasion.
If you’ve lost weight, landed a new job and are giving yourself a real deserved treat in the way of a make over, hair extensions can help you achieve this.
After all, there’s no better investment than your own happiness and well being.
It can boost your mood.
Having a bad day and not feeling the best about yourself?
Book in and get a fresh head of hair, creating a vibrant, fresh and healthy look.
Looking good can help you feel good.
Good hair can really set of your face and eyes, bringing that twinkle back to your eyes.
It may help hide hair loss
In cases of mild to moderate hair loss, where you might have some bald patches, hair extensions can help hide these worries and offer a bit more coverage if you don’t want to wear a full wig.