While you invest your time and money in purchasing skin care products and building a healthy routine for your skin, it’s important you do likewise for your little one.
Unlike your skin, baby skin is soft, thinner, delicate, and more sensitive. Though appealing and sought-after, these features make your baby’s skin more prone to allergies, infections, rashes, and irritants.
To reduce or eliminate your baby’s chances of developing skin conditions, you must prioritize skincare. Below we have highlighted some skincare tips that can help keep your baby’s skin fresh, smooth, clear and healthy.
Common Baby Skin Care Conditions
The characteristics of infant’s skin put them at risk of many skin conditions like:
- Dandruff
- Dry skin
- Cradle cap
- Heat rash
- Diaper rash
- Baby acne
- Eczema
Though not life-threatening, these skin conditions can make your baby uncomfortable. And an uncomfortable baby translates to an uncomfortable mother.
Here are some tips for keeping your baby’s skin healthy.
1. Bathing
While it may seem logical to bathe our baby thrice daily, doing so isn’t advisable. Why? Bathing your baby excessively can rid its skin of natural oils leading to dryness and flaking.
As a rule of thumb, bath your baby 3-4 times weekly with mild soap, shampoo, and lukewarm water. Plus, the temperature of the room where you dry your baby should be warm enough to protect him from the cold. Finally, always use a soft cotton towel to wipe your baby dry.
2. Apply Moisturizers
Baby skin absorbs moisture faster than that of an average adult. It also loses moisture faster—five times more than adult skin. Because moisture prevents the skin from becoming dry and tight, it makes sense to incorporate moisturizer into your baby’s skincare routine.
But how often should you moisturize your baby’s skin?
Experts recommend moisturizing your baby’s skin daily since it loses moisture faster. You can apply moisturizer after bathing to help retain moisture and keep the skin hydrated. Alternatively, you can consider using manuka honey to hydrate your baby’s skin in place of typical moisturizers. The therapeutic manuka honey benefits make it an ideal moisturizer, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant solution for your baby.
3. Diaper Rash
Diaper rash is a common skin condition experienced by 7 to 35 infants at some point. It may develop from the continuous use of dirty, tight, or some specific brand of diaper.
To prevent diaper rash and skin infections, ensure you change your baby’s diaper immediately after he soils it. Also, buy diapers that are tender and able to absorb waste. While most rashes may not pose a severe risk to your baby’s health, it’s important you contact a pediatrician if it persists.
4. Massaging
Massage is not only beneficial for adults but for babies as well. Massaging your baby’s skin helps it stay moisturized and creates a bond between you and your bundle of joy.
For the best results, ensure you massage your baby’s skin with a product that contains virgin coconut oil, Vitamin E, or almond oil.
As a rule of thumb, consider massaging your baby in the morning to prepare him for the day or at night before bedtime to ease him to sleep.
Your baby’s skin has features that make it prone to many skin conditions. It is your job as a caring mother to build an effective skincare routine to keep these skin conditions at bay. Contact a pediatric dermatologist if you notice any weird development on your baby’s skin.