It is an understatement to call parenthood a rollercoaster. You suddenly find yourself responsible for the well-being of another human. No matter how much you prepare, you are bound to panic a little when they are in your arms.
New parents might get all kinds of advice from the internet and the people around them. It can be bewildering to listen to different experiences and suggestions. However, all journeys are unique and filled with uncertainty.
Parents wish to provide the best for their little ones. Successful parenting is all about learning everything from scratch while you enjoy this time with your baby. We have prepared a list of ways to make this a smoother ride.
1) Set your expectations wisely
One of the biggest mistakes new parents make is expecting too much from themselves. They usually overestimate their physical and emotional capabilities. There is nothing wrong with wanting to reach perfection in terms of parenthood. However, it is unfair to pressure yourself into achieving something impossible.
You can not cook three nutritious meals a day right after giving birth. Your breastfeeding experience might not turn out to be the way you imagined. Do not let societal pressure trick you into believing that it is easy.
Understand who you and your partner are and set expectations accordingly. Overestimating your capabilities might lead to disappointment and emotional distress.
2) Observe your newborn
Babies are vulnerable to all kinds of diseases and accidents. They are fragile beings with weak immune systems. You might be surprised by the number of newborns that become victims of birth injuries due to negligence or mishandling by a healthcare provider. A similar situation will be challenging for you and the baby. Take quick action to ensure their health and research how to file a claim. The negligent party must be held accountable for their mistakes.
All parents must observe their child’s development and growth. Contact a doctor if you believe there is something unusual. Illnesses like Hepatitis A and B and Jaundice are common in newborns. You can also schedule regular visits to keep a check.
3) Acknowledge the change in relationships
It is common for parents to indulge so deeply in childcare that they forget about their relationship. Both partners must understand that the new responsibility has affected both equally. They must acknowledge the change it has brought to their connection.
Making time for your partner is the simplest advice for new parents. Allow yourself to have some time off babysitting. Utilize such occasions to catch up on significant things in each other’s life. Communicate about how you feel about this new journey and share your fears and expectations. Be vocal about all the issues you are facing. Discuss problems you both are dealing with civilly. Consider yourselves a team against all the negatives. Staying connected to them is vital to creating a healthy environment for your newborn.
4) Search for ways to raise a smart baby
Even babies are raised to become smart in this hyper-competitive world. Mothers love to boast about how well their child speaks or balances themself. Do not let this silent competition overwhelm you. The internet has made it easy for you to make your child smarter and help them grow.
You can introduce them to developmental toys like puzzles, nesting cups, and building blocks. These lead to an increase in hand-eye coordination and teach them about spatial relationships. Sensory play is a relatively new concept that engages a child’s five senses during playtime. Research more about how you can set this up for your baby.
Moreover, language and communication are vital for a child’s development. They teach them verbal and non-verbal cues along with empathy. Hence avoid talking to them in a baby voice. Use proper sentences and vocabulary while addressing them. Moreover, it is not wise to ignore their questions. Children are curious and optimal growth will come when you communicate with them with reasoning.
5) Accept help
New parents prioritize their child’s well-being over anything. It might mean they have not showered for days or have had time to fold the laundry. We want you to know that accepting help in such situations is okay.
You can let someone babysit your child or request them to complete the rest of the work. Family members and friends are usually generous during such times. Take advantage of it without feeling guilty. Not accepting help is unfair to your physical and emotional well-being. You deserve some rest after all the struggles.
6) Do not shop too much
All parents are excited to dress their newborns in high-quality and expensive clothes. They stock up on so many items in size zero. However, they might regret all such decisions when the only helpful clothes are comfortable onesies.
The initial few weeks of life are all about feces and vomit. You might be too scared to dress up in expensive clothes once you experience such a mishap. Hence, you should buy overalls that are easy to snap open for a nappy change. They are also likely to be comfortable for the baby.
7) Ask the professionals
Some questions might remain unanswered no matter how many family members you ask. These can be about the child’s growth, eating patterns, habits, or your emotional well-being.
Do not trust unauthentic websites and sources for anything. Consult a doctor if you observe unusual changes in your baby’s physical health or behavior. Moreover, pay attention to symptoms of postpartum depression. It might creep up on you silently. Do not hesitate to ask a professional for help.
It is safe to say that there is no set recipe for the perfect parenting journey. You have to mix and match to find the right balance for you and your family. one thing to remember during this time is to have fun. Enjoy the time with your newborn because it goes faster than expected. Make the most of the moments you have with each other. Stressing too much about perfection might suck the enjoyment out of this journey.
Moreover, stick to the goal you have. All parents have an image of the kind of individual they want their child to become. You must stay raise them just accordingly. It is wise to plan to foster empathy, confidence, and discipline in them.